Tea of Life Brandnetel, citroengras & Kaneel fresh start

Nettle, lemongrass & cinnamon

Fresh Start

  • Caffeine-free
  • 100% natural
  • Organic certified
  • CO2-neutral production facility
  • Contributions to the Fair Grounds Foundation

What does this tea contain?

This organic infusion is a delicious mix of lemongrass with nettle and cinnamon.

Ingredients: Lemongrass* (28%), cinnamon* (23%), fennel*, liquorice*, turmeric*, ginger*, nettle* (5%), lemon peel*. *Organically grown ingredient. Contains liquorice. People suffering from hypertension should avoid excessive consumption. This infusion is caffeine-free.

Love for nature

Separating different types of waste is an easy way to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable living environment. Still, it’s important to do this right as this is not as obvious as it sounds. So we are happy to lend a hand.

Tea bag

  • Tea bag: Natural abacá and cellulose.
    Abacá is a species of banana grown and harvested for its fibres.
    Cellulose is one of the main substances that make up the plant cell walls. This organic compound is the most natural polymer on earth.
  • String: 100% cotton
  • Label: paper
  • Biodegradable
  • Discard with organic waste


Tea of life envelopje
  • Paper with heat-seal coating to retain flavour
  • Recyclable
  • Discard with paper waste

Tea box

Thee doosje icoon
  • Cardboard & ink
  • FSC-certified cardboard
  • Recyclable
  • Discard with paper waste

Award-winning design!

troffee Tea of Life

Runner up! That is the great result for the design of Tea of Life during the Packaging Awards!

”The packaging exudes a lot of love and craftsmanship and the jury calls the entry innovative on the shelf. This entry is runner-up because it is a strong concept. This is also one of the most sustainable packaging in this category”

A nice price with feedback that we are proud of!

Het lekkerste kopje thee

Hoe zet je het lekkerste kopje thee? Daar zijn onze Master Blenders de hele dag mee bezig. Hoelang je het theezakje in het water houdt en hoe warm het water is maakt echt verschil!

Uiteindelijk is ‘t natuurlijk helemaal aan jou hoe jij je kopje thee zet, maar dit is ons advies voor deze infusie:

  • Kook het water
  • Laat de thee 5-7 minuten trekken
  • Enjoy!


Erg lekker en weer eens wat anders” – Review via Scoupy


Volg ons via instagram of facebook en wordt een echte master blender.


Better tea

The quality of our tea is all about the love and attention that we put into the production process, which entirely takes place in Sri Lanka. The local tea producers have many years of experience and know so much about tea that we can be sure that the tea is picked, processed, dried, blended, and packaged at exactly the right moment.

Better life

We believe in the power of the local chain. Our tea is processed up to the finished product in Sri Lanka. This is how we create more jobs for more people and contribute to a growing local economy. So your cup of tea influences their lives and that of their families.

That’s why we are called Tea of Life.

Or discover one of the other Tea of Life flavours

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Focus Blend

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Fennel seed & Camomile


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Tea of Life vlierbloesem marjoraan & Venkel wake up

Elderflower marjoram & fennel

Wake Up

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Camomile, lavender & valerian

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Tea of Life Brandnetel, citroengras & Kaneel fresh start

Nettle, lemongrass & cinnamon

Fresh Start

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